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《文語》 (ものの表面をなめるように)ちらちらゆらめく炎の英語



  • a lambent flame
  • 文語     文語 ぶんご written language literary language
  • もの     もの 者 person 物 thing object
  • 表面     表面 ひょうめん surface outside face appearance
  • よう     よう 夭 early death calamity 酔う to get drunk to become intoxicated 傭 employ hire
  • うに     うに 雲丹 海胆 sea urchin sea urchin eggs 云為 sayings and doings words and deeds
  • らち     らち 拉致 taking captive carrying away kidnapping abduction
  • めく     めく to show signs of  ̄ to have the appearance of  ̄ to jerk off to masturbate
  •      炎 ほのお flame blaze ほむら flame
  • ものの     ものの adv. ?~5分もたたないうちに in less than five minutes ?→ものの見事に ―ものの
  • なめる     なめる 舐める 嘗める to lick to taste to experience to make fun of to make light of to
  • ように     ように in order to so that
  • ちらちら     ちらちら fluttering flickering intermittently
  • ゆらめく     ゆらめく 揺らめく to flicker to quiver to waver to sway
  • 揺らめく炎    1. flare 2. flicker 3. unsteady flame
  • ちらちら    ちらちら fluttering flickering intermittently
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